Sunday, March 20, 2011

How noble of his mother

Islam explains how great the struggle of a mother in the Hadiths

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also discussed how Muslims treat their parents, and a number of sayings have been reported from him regarding this.

Here is narrated by Abdullah bin Masud by Abu Amr ash-Shaybani:

I asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, that God loves best course of action. He replied, "Prayer at the right time." I asked, "So what?" He said, "do So lovely to parents." I asked, "So what?" He replied, "If jihad in Allah's way." He told me about these things. If I asked him to tell her more, she would tell me more.

This report is similar to what has been mentioned in 6:151 above: do good to parents is second only to worship Allah as an obligation on Muslims. Note also that doing wonderful for parents to take precendence even more of jihad!

Here is narrated by Imran bin Husain, Abdullah bin Amr, and Abu Bakra:

Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and give him peace, said, "Am I going to tell you which is the worst of the action wrong?" They replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah." He said, "Associating anything else with Allah and disobeying parents." He has been lying, but then he said, and said, "And a false witness."

It is obvious corollary of the previous hadith, if do good to parents is second only to worship Allah alone as an obligation, then disobedience to parents must be really second only to idolatry as a sin.

The following stories have been narrated by Anas ibn Malik, Abdullah ibn Amr and Jahmah:

Anas bin Malik: A man came to the Prophet and said: "I want to go jihad but I can not afford". He said: "Is one of your parents still alive?" The man said: "My mother". He said: "Allah has commanded us in devotion to him, so if you do so, you as a person who has made 'Umrah, Hajj and participate in jihad."

Abdullah bin Amr: A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, wanted to do jihad. The Prophet asked, "Are your parents still alive?" He replied, "Yes." The Prophet said, "If you force yourself on their behalf."

Jahmah: I said to the Prophet, "O Messenger of Allah, I want to go on the expedition (military) and I came to consult with you." He asked if I had a mother, and when I responded that I had, he said, "Stay with her because Paradise lies beneath her feet."

Already mentioned above that the Prophet (PBUH) said that service to the parents take precedence over jihad, and here we see that the Prophet (peace be upon him) would put this into practice, more than once! Note that the expression "forced himself on their behalf" in the second word is a translation from Arabic jahada, from which we also find the word jihad (meaning struggle or fight). In other words, the Prophet (peace be upon him) is making a little play of words to say that jihad (struggle or exert themselves in the path of Allah SWT) can take the form that is more than just military action.

Here is narrated by Abdullah bin Amr:

A man came to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and give him peace, and make a promise to him that he would do the hijra (emigration). He left his parents crying. The Prophet said, "Come back to them and make them laugh as you make them cry."

Hijrah is moved from the land of non-Muslims into Muslim lands, and is considered a highly meritorious act. However, parents preferred the service to even more than this!

Before all the traditions are common to both parents and explain what is meant by the Quran commands to "wonderful treatment" parents. Hadith also follow the Quran in particular showed preference for the mother.

One hadith that has been quoted above says, "Stay with [mother], because heaven is at her feet."

Another report is as follows, which is narrated by Aisha Umm al-Muminin:

I asked the Prophet who has the greatest of human rights, and he said, "His mother."

And here are narrated by the grandfather of Bahz ibn Hakim, the same events have also been reported by Abu Huraira:

I asked, "O Messenger of Allah, to whom I must obey?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then who?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then who?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then who?" He replied, "Your mother." I asked, "Then to whom should I obey?" He replied, "Your father, and then the next closest relative and then the next."

From here, we can see that mothers have a special position, which has been shown by the Qur'an (see above). The word translated as birr dutifulness in Arabic, a word which is translated as "piety", that is, dutifulness to Allah SWT. Here again, parents (and mothers in particular) is because the same kind of honor in our feeling that we give to God, because what they reflect his quality.

Summary of Islamic teachings on the Mother

Parents are one means by which God Almighty tarbiya exercise his (respect). They are due gratitude, obedience, and gentleness of their mistakes. If they command anything contrary to Islam, they do not have to be obeyed, but even in a state of a Muslim should maintain good relations with them and consort with them honorably. He or she should never speak harsh words to them or torture them but to forgive them and ask Allah to forgive them. Other actions that have been specifically mentioned is including parents in the prayers and care for them when they are elderly. This is what is meant by "doing good" that Allah SWT has ordered the parents. Remember that doing good by a parent take precedence even over a hijra and jihad!

Mother is one means by which God Almighty exercise his creation. Outside of what he was because as a parent, a mother's extra special feeling of respect and dutifulness. This is because the hard work that she suffered during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has instructed that the mother primarily due to the best behavior four times before the father.

After worship Allah alone, do good to parents is the next most important task for a Muslim. Considering that the mother for doing this even before the father, no doubt that the Prophet (peace be upon him) also said that heaven is at the foot of the mother!

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