Know my brother ... era we live today is extremely burdensome. Every person who runs the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam would definitely get the scorn. In fact, people who wallow with disobedience and heresy that is what often get compliments.If we see, often mocking the Muslims instead of people who cling to the teachings of Islam. People who are veiled spelled 'ninja'. Bearded man who spelled out 'goat'. People who cingkrang pants (above the ankle) say 'flood'. Even people like this put into a cult like people even say his pants cingkrang LDII (formerly named LEMKARI and has been declared heretical by the MUI).But we were very surprising. No one is denouncing the rocking artists 'ngebor', who posed nude in magazines. In fact who heckled and ridiculed are the ones who wear the hijab or wearing veils that implement the teachings of the Prophet.
So also are often scorned is a bearded man with the title 'goat'. In fact, people who often shave beards and of course with the cost of including the waste is not censured.
People who wear trousers above the ankles, too, often scorned. Whereas pants above ankle pants will make the cleaner and avoid unclean as mentioned in the hadith which we have brought before. The people who used to haul soil his pants are usually not censured, but such briefs model more prone to odious.
That's the current state of the world. All completely upside down. Human thought is not known at this time. The good bad and the ugly sort of good sort.
Therefore, many of our brothers who previously did istiqomah with this religion was slowly let go of his religion. Among the reasons was the existence of a variety of derision from the community.
Among our brothers are very excited once before wearing pants above the ankles and maintain lihyah (beard), so it looks so manly with one of her male sign. However, due to warning from parents who do not understand religion, or because they do not get the atmosphere of a supportive environment with frequent hang out with people who rebel, or because the world demands that also require shaving the beard and pants should not be cingkrang, then among relatives us-that we really missed them back to the truth that they hold the first-gradually eliminate the teachings of the Prophet himself. -Na 'udhu billahi mindzalik-
This last paper is a sheet that we intentionally present to our brothers, so they should go back to the way they used to travel.
My brother ... most of the verses and hadith for Muslims to hold fast to the teachings of the Prophet we have just described. Next consider the following hadith, hopefully you get the instructions and guidance from Allah Ta'ala.
Aisha radi 'anha once wrote a letter to Mu'awiyah. Its contents are as follows.
سلام عليك أما بعد فإنى سمعت رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يقول «من التمس رضاء الله بسخط الناس كفاه الله مؤنة الناس ومن التمس رضاء الناس بسخط الله وكله الله إلى الناس». والسلام عليك.
"Greetings to you. Amma Ba'du. Actually I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' He who seek blessings of God by making man's wrath, then God will take care to do with our fellow human beings. But if any man seek blessings of God's wrath by making God shall submit to the human person 'Wassalamu' alaika. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi. In Genealogy As Ash Shohihah, Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadith shohih)
Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al Uthaymeen in Al Qoulul Mufid said, "If someone searches pleased his Lord with a sincere intention, then God will be pleased to him because he was the most glorious of His servant ... because someone's heart in between two fingers from the fingers of God ta'ala. Allah is the heart turning anyone He wills. ... And those who seek the pleasure of men but to make God's wrath, then the result is he will get the opposite of such intention. "
Therefore, the patient is my brother with scorn. Thou shalt not abandon the teachings of your Prophet, making God's wrath. Try explaining to your parents that you hold is the teachings of the Prophet and the teachings of true doctrine, not a cult. Explain this with gentleness as on the word of Allah, the Exalted,
وقل لهما قولا كريما
"And say it to them (both men tua0 noble words." (Qur'an Isro '17: 23)
In the Tafseer Al Jalalain interpreted with 'pronounce words of the beautiful and gentle'.
Also look for friends who can support you could istiqomah. Look at the Companions of the Prophet could istiqomah because they often mingle with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Allah Ta'ala says:
وكيف تكفرون وأنتم تتلى عليكم آيات الله وفيكم رسوله ومن يعتصم بالله فقد هدي إلى صراط مستقيم
"How could (not likely) you become an infidel, while the verses of Allah recited to you, and messenger Nyapun are in the midst of you guys? And those who cling to (religion) of Allah then surely he has given instructions to the straight path "(Surah Ali 'Imran 3: 101)
In another verse Allah says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وكونوا مع الصادقين
"O ye who believe, fear Allah, and be with people who are true (honest)" (Surat At-Tauba 9: 119)
In a hasan hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
«إن من الناس ناسا مفاتيح للخير ومغاليق للشر»
"Verily, among mankind there are people that their existence as an opening (door) and good cover (door) ugliness." (Narrated by Ibn Majah, Al-Bayhaqi. Dihasankan by Shaykh Al-Albani). Therefore, hang out with Salih people who always open the doors of goodness and teach it.
And we also advise, if you are looking for workplaces offer to let his beard shaved or pants down, do not accept such work. Remember God's vast fortune. There are many other jobs that can be searched. Why should we sacrifice to get the world hereafter, despised? Allah Ta'ala says:
وللآخرة خير لك من الأولى
"And lo days later is better for you than the present (beginning)." (Surah Adh Duha 93: 4)
Ibn Kathir said, "And the Hereafter is better for you than this world country. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the most ascetic in the world (leave something that is not beneficial for the life hereafter, pen). As is well known in its history that when he was on his deathbed told to choose between eternal life in the world until the end and then go to heaven or select a gift from Allah. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ultimately choose what is on the side of God because the world is the abject (daniyah). "
To stay edified hearts always remember a prayer that is read by the Prophet. Umm Salamah radi 'anha said that prayer is the most frequently read by the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam is the prayer,
«يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبى على دينك»
"Yaa muqollibal Qulub tsabbit Qolbi 'ala diinik" means' O Substances that tossing and turning my heart courageous hearts on your religions '(Narrated by Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Hakim, dishahihkan by adh-Dhahabi, see also Shohihul Jami')Hayyu Yes, Yes Qoyyum. O Supreme Substances, All-Eternal Life. With Thy blessing, we beg thee. Revise all our affairs and the affairs Thou lean on ourselves, even if only blink of an eye. Amin Ya Mujibbas Sa'ilin.
Hopefully this article useful for the Muslims. May God always provides a useful science, Thoyib sustenance, and make our practice accepted in His sight. Innahu sami'un qoriibum mujibud da'awaat. Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat, sallallaahu wa 'ala Muhammad nabiyyina wa' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa sallam.
So also are often scorned is a bearded man with the title 'goat'. In fact, people who often shave beards and of course with the cost of including the waste is not censured.
People who wear trousers above the ankles, too, often scorned. Whereas pants above ankle pants will make the cleaner and avoid unclean as mentioned in the hadith which we have brought before. The people who used to haul soil his pants are usually not censured, but such briefs model more prone to odious.
That's the current state of the world. All completely upside down. Human thought is not known at this time. The good bad and the ugly sort of good sort.
Therefore, many of our brothers who previously did istiqomah with this religion was slowly let go of his religion. Among the reasons was the existence of a variety of derision from the community.
Among our brothers are very excited once before wearing pants above the ankles and maintain lihyah (beard), so it looks so manly with one of her male sign. However, due to warning from parents who do not understand religion, or because they do not get the atmosphere of a supportive environment with frequent hang out with people who rebel, or because the world demands that also require shaving the beard and pants should not be cingkrang, then among relatives us-that we really missed them back to the truth that they hold the first-gradually eliminate the teachings of the Prophet himself. -Na 'udhu billahi mindzalik-
This last paper is a sheet that we intentionally present to our brothers, so they should go back to the way they used to travel.
My brother ... most of the verses and hadith for Muslims to hold fast to the teachings of the Prophet we have just described. Next consider the following hadith, hopefully you get the instructions and guidance from Allah Ta'ala.
Aisha radi 'anha once wrote a letter to Mu'awiyah. Its contents are as follows.
سلام عليك أما بعد فإنى سمعت رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - يقول «من التمس رضاء الله بسخط الناس كفاه الله مؤنة الناس ومن التمس رضاء الناس بسخط الله وكله الله إلى الناس». والسلام عليك.
"Greetings to you. Amma Ba'du. Actually I heard the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,' He who seek blessings of God by making man's wrath, then God will take care to do with our fellow human beings. But if any man seek blessings of God's wrath by making God shall submit to the human person 'Wassalamu' alaika. "(Narrated by Tirmidhi. In Genealogy As Ash Shohihah, Shaykh Al-Albani said that this hadith shohih)
Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al Uthaymeen in Al Qoulul Mufid said, "If someone searches pleased his Lord with a sincere intention, then God will be pleased to him because he was the most glorious of His servant ... because someone's heart in between two fingers from the fingers of God ta'ala. Allah is the heart turning anyone He wills. ... And those who seek the pleasure of men but to make God's wrath, then the result is he will get the opposite of such intention. "
Therefore, the patient is my brother with scorn. Thou shalt not abandon the teachings of your Prophet, making God's wrath. Try explaining to your parents that you hold is the teachings of the Prophet and the teachings of true doctrine, not a cult. Explain this with gentleness as on the word of Allah, the Exalted,
وقل لهما قولا كريما
"And say it to them (both men tua0 noble words." (Qur'an Isro '17: 23)
In the Tafseer Al Jalalain interpreted with 'pronounce words of the beautiful and gentle'.
Also look for friends who can support you could istiqomah. Look at the Companions of the Prophet could istiqomah because they often mingle with the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Allah Ta'ala says:
وكيف تكفرون وأنتم تتلى عليكم آيات الله وفيكم رسوله ومن يعتصم بالله فقد هدي إلى صراط مستقيم
"How could (not likely) you become an infidel, while the verses of Allah recited to you, and messenger Nyapun are in the midst of you guys? And those who cling to (religion) of Allah then surely he has given instructions to the straight path "(Surah Ali 'Imran 3: 101)
In another verse Allah says:
يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله وكونوا مع الصادقين
"O ye who believe, fear Allah, and be with people who are true (honest)" (Surat At-Tauba 9: 119)
In a hasan hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
«إن من الناس ناسا مفاتيح للخير ومغاليق للشر»
"Verily, among mankind there are people that their existence as an opening (door) and good cover (door) ugliness." (Narrated by Ibn Majah, Al-Bayhaqi. Dihasankan by Shaykh Al-Albani). Therefore, hang out with Salih people who always open the doors of goodness and teach it.
And we also advise, if you are looking for workplaces offer to let his beard shaved or pants down, do not accept such work. Remember God's vast fortune. There are many other jobs that can be searched. Why should we sacrifice to get the world hereafter, despised? Allah Ta'ala says:
وللآخرة خير لك من الأولى
"And lo days later is better for you than the present (beginning)." (Surah Adh Duha 93: 4)
Ibn Kathir said, "And the Hereafter is better for you than this world country. Therefore, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was the most ascetic in the world (leave something that is not beneficial for the life hereafter, pen). As is well known in its history that when he was on his deathbed told to choose between eternal life in the world until the end and then go to heaven or select a gift from Allah. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam ultimately choose what is on the side of God because the world is the abject (daniyah). "
To stay edified hearts always remember a prayer that is read by the Prophet. Umm Salamah radi 'anha said that prayer is the most frequently read by the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam is the prayer,
«يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبى على دينك»
"Yaa muqollibal Qulub tsabbit Qolbi 'ala diinik" means' O Substances that tossing and turning my heart courageous hearts on your religions '(Narrated by Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Hakim, dishahihkan by adh-Dhahabi, see also Shohihul Jami')Hayyu Yes, Yes Qoyyum. O Supreme Substances, All-Eternal Life. With Thy blessing, we beg thee. Revise all our affairs and the affairs Thou lean on ourselves, even if only blink of an eye. Amin Ya Mujibbas Sa'ilin.
Hopefully this article useful for the Muslims. May God always provides a useful science, Thoyib sustenance, and make our practice accepted in His sight. Innahu sami'un qoriibum mujibud da'awaat. Alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat, sallallaahu wa 'ala Muhammad nabiyyina wa' ala alihi shohbihi wa wa sallam.